Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Inaugural Season Wrap-Up

I realized recently that although Mitten Farms had an excellent yield in its inaugural growing season, that fact is not reflected in the blog.  So with that in mind, here's a flashback to last year's tomato harvest. 

A Selection of Last Year's Tomatoes
Last year Mitten Farms grew numerous types of cherry-sized tomatoes. Two of these varieties are returning again this year due to their successful harvest and flavor.  These are the Black Cherry and the Juliette Roma Grape. 

The Juliette Roma Grape was very similar to the grape tomatoes that are commercially available at grocery stores and eliminated any need to buy those tomatoes during the growing season.  The Black Cherry, in addition to their visual appeal, really tasted like a tomato should, with firm flesh and lots of juice.

One tomato that did not make the cut for the 2011-2012 season is Britain's Breakfast, selected solely for the name's connection to Steve's nationality.  This was the largest tomato of the group and the last to bear fruit.  The tomatoes were somewhat mealy and lacked flavor. Not a winner.  

We also grew Sun Gold tomatoes, which were also beautiful and had a huge yield.  They were very sweet with a golden yellow-orange color.  We are growing a different variety of yellow tomato this year called Lollipop.  As the growing season progresses we will find out how they compare to the Sun Gold! 

Britain's Breakfast

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