Sunday, January 30, 2011

Welcome to Mitten Farms!

Mitten Farms is a small urban farming experiment, conducted on the balcony of a South Beach condo.  It started with the simple gift of a Calamondin tree (a citrus tree that grows small fruit that look like miniature oranges, but with a taste more similar to a lemon), and a bit of inspiration from an English container garden. 
My Calamondin Tree

With the consent of my very understanding partner in crime, Mr. D., I borrowed a book on container gardening from the public library and headed for Home Depot.  This blog will chronicle the triumphs, tribulations, and more of my attempt to grow vegetables on our balcony. 

Mitten With Her Cucumber Plant
Mitten Farms is named by my intrepid assistant, Livi. She wakes us up early every morning, demanding that we tend to the garden before work.  "Mitten" (as she is affectionately known) is also the mascot and CEO of Mitten Farms, and its biggest fan.  Her particular favorite are the cucumber leaves, a rare delicacy. 

I'm a bit behind on starting this blog (the original plants were purchased at the end of October) but I'll start at the beginning and chart their progress from the start.  

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