Sunday, February 6, 2011

Nasturtium Explosion

 Several years ago, on a visit with Murey in Chicago, I acquired a nasturtium seedling at the Chicago Botanic Garden. I figured that I could certainly grow it here in Miami, if it grew in Chicago.  To the contrary, I killed it within a week.

Given the auspicious growing conditions at Mitten Farms, I decided to give nasturtiums another try.  I ordered a packet of seeds from Burpee and planted them with the tomatoes, thinking they would provide nice ground cover in the containers.  The seeds sprouted months ago, and there have been tons of leaves but no flowers. Until last week, that is.  Now Mitten Farms has nasturtiums in orange, red, peach, and different shades of each.  

The flowers are edible, but they don't bloom very long.  Before I could figure out the best use for the blooms, they wilted and faded away.  There are more buds, so I should have more flowers soon!